
Client Name: Chevron

Work Description: During our maintenance contract with Chevron Company, many projects and services had been developed...

HMI Immigration and Upgrade

  • El-Sewedy Automation succeeded to upgrade and replace obsolete HMIs with a brand-new Allen Bradly HMIs product including all system parameters with professional flexibility and user-friendly methods while:
  • Ensuring operator engagement for easy transition environment.
  • Redesigning graphics for multi-screen environments.
  • Providing operation guidelines and simple user manual and for troubleshooting.

PLC System Upgrade

  • El-Sewedy Automation helped Chevron to replace old PLC system from different brand with a brand-new Allen Bradly PLC through:
  • Observing the process and system limitations.
  • Identifying and Optimize I/O points.
  • Keep the system operating efficiently during and after the migration.

Frequency Drives Upgrade and Installation

  • El-Sewedy Automation succeeded in replacing some old Frequency Drives with a new Allen Bradly product (Various Power Rating).
  • Installing and Programing of various mode of operations and control methods to serve operating needs.

Modifying All PLC Programs

  • El-Sewedy Automation had modified the ongoing programs for all existing Allen Bradley PLCs to cope with operating needs.